Codename:Kids Next Door Wiki
Link Artwork 1 (Twilight Princess)

Link, The Hero of Time (He does look like Rache)

Link (star of The Legend of Zelda series) is a great and legendary hero that existed in times of old, in an ancient kingdom called Hyrule. Thousands of years ago, Link clashed against the unholy Demon King, Demise and had him destroyed during the Old Demon Wars. Eons later, Link was reborn in a new incarnation, as was Demise, in the form of Ganondorf. Ganondorf gained the power of the Triforce and created another Demon War, but Link had him sealed away, and many other incarnations of Link continued his job

The newest incarnation of Link is Rachel T. McKenzie, Supreme Leader of the Kids Next Door. After discovering the Master Sword, and realizing her destiny to defeat Ganondorf, she set off on her own journey. Along the way, many spirit beings, including Fi, have claimed they can see the spirit of Link inside of Rachel, and that she truly is the newest incarnation of the Hero of Time.
